Stuck on what to write in your journals? Here are some ideas:
1. Gary Snyder's "invocation" for the opening of the UC Davis Library calls on the "presences" of the place, from the ancient trees that once stood on the site to the first native peoples and the subsequent waves of immigrants to California. Think of your neighborhood at home or here, or the USF campus or some other place you know; what do you know about its "presences"? What is the "human geography" of that location? If you don't know anything about it, what do you think about that?
2. Write your own invocation to the spirits of a place you know. What are the "presences" that inhabit that location?
2. Luther Standing Bear compares the education of Lakota children with the way white children learn about nature. Does his description ring true to you? What kind of "nature" education have you had (informal and formal)? What ideas have you absorbed from family, culture, school?
3. Kathleen Jamie writes about "nature" as not being "all primroses and dolphins," and plunges into the revelations of the hospital's pathology lab. Reflect on what she discovers and thinks about. When you say"nature," do you think of primroses and dolphins? Something else?
4. At one point in her essay, Jamie thinks for a moment that we're all "just meat." Are we?